Effective September 7, 2021, Post-Secondary Education (PSE) institutions are mandated by The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) to establish, implement, and ensure compliance with a COVID-19 vaccination policy requiring its employees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and students who attend campus to provide proof of full vaccination against covid-19. For those who were vaccinated in Ontario, individuals
were provided the physical (hard copy) and email version of the receipt from the Ministry of Health with the individual’s name, date of vaccination and product name (i.e., Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna, etc.) at the time of vaccination.
COVID-19 vaccination receipts can also be downloaded or printed through the COVID-19 vaccination provincial portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900. This version of the COVID-19 vaccine receipt contains a watermark and a digital signature to deter forgery.
All employees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and students who attend campus will be required to fill up the Holi Health COVID-19 Vaccination Form online HOLI HEALTH COVID-19 VACCINATION FORM, the Contact Tracing Logbook, and the COVID-19 Pre-Screening upon entrance to school.
The following is outlined in the MCU’s Post-Secondary Education Health Measures Framework for Fall 2021 (pp.12-13):
Medical Reasons
Individuals without proof of full vaccination againstCOVID-19 can provide written proof of a medical reason, provided by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class that sets out:
• a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19; and
• the effective time-period for the medical reason.
Individuals with a medical reason for not being fully vaccinated and who have provided proof of a medical reason, are allowed on campus but are required to submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and to provide verification of the negative test result in a manner determined by the PSE institution, and at intervals to be determined by the PSE institution. Intervals must be at minimum of once every seven
Non-Medical Reasons
As part of their vaccination policies, PSE institutions may choose to allow individuals who do not provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to come onto campus if they provide proof of having completed an educational session, approved by the PSE institution, about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination prior to declining vaccination for any reason other than a medical reason.
COVID-19 education sessions, at a minimum, must address:
• how COVID-19 vaccines work;
• vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines;
• the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19;
• risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and
• possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
(COVID-19 education session is provided by request from the Holi Health administration office.)
The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH) instructions also require individuals who do not provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19:
• To submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and at an interval to be determined by PSE institutions (must be at minimum of once every seven days); and
• To provide verification of a negative test result in the manner determined by the PSE institution that enables it to confirm the result at its discretion.
Individuals who are partly vaccinated (have received one dose of a two-dose vaccine series, or a final dose of two-dose vaccine series within the last 14 days), should undertake antigen testing until they are fully vaccinated.
For questions and concerns, the following are Holi Health's staff contact number(s) and/or email address:
Effective September 7, 2021, Post-Secondary Education (PSE) institutions are mandated by The Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) to establish, implement, and ensure compliance with a COVID-19 vaccination policy requiring its employees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and students who attend campus to provide proof of full vaccination against covid-19. For those who were vaccinated in Ontario, individuals
were provided the physical (hard copy) and email version of the receipt from the Ministry of Health with the individual’s name, date of vaccination and product name (i.e., Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna, etc.) at the time of vaccination.
COVID-19 vaccination receipts can also be downloaded or printed through the COVID-19 vaccination provincial portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900. This version of the COVID-19 vaccine receipt contains a watermark and a digital signature to deter forgery.
All employees, staff, contractors, volunteers, and students who attend campus will be required to fill up the Holi Health COVID-19 Vaccination Form online HOLI HEALTH COVID-19 VACCINATION FORM, the Contact Tracing Logbook, and the COVID-19 Pre-Screening upon entrance to school.
The following is outlined in the MCU’s Post-Secondary Education Health Measures Framework for Fall 2021 (pp.12-13):
Medical Reasons
Individuals without proof of full vaccination againstCOVID-19 can provide written proof of a medical reason, provided by a physician or registered nurse in the extended class that sets out:
• a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19; and
• the effective time-period for the medical reason.
Individuals with a medical reason for not being fully vaccinated and who have provided proof of a medical reason, are allowed on campus but are required to submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and to provide verification of the negative test result in a manner determined by the PSE institution, and at intervals to be determined by the PSE institution. Intervals must be at minimum of once every seven
Non-Medical Reasons
As part of their vaccination policies, PSE institutions may choose to allow individuals who do not provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to come onto campus if they provide proof of having completed an educational session, approved by the PSE institution, about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination prior to declining vaccination for any reason other than a medical reason.
COVID-19 education sessions, at a minimum, must address:
• how COVID-19 vaccines work;
• vaccine safety related to the development of the COVID-19 vaccines;
• the benefits of vaccination against COVID-19;
• risks of not being vaccinated against COVID-19; and
• possible side effects of COVID-19 vaccination.
(COVID-19 education session is provided by request from the Holi Health administration office.)
The Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health (OCMOH) instructions also require individuals who do not provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19:
• To submit to regular antigen point of care testing for COVID-19 and at an interval to be determined by PSE institutions (must be at minimum of once every seven days); and
• To provide verification of a negative test result in the manner determined by the PSE institution that enables it to confirm the result at its discretion.
Individuals who are partly vaccinated (have received one dose of a two-dose vaccine series, or a final dose of two-dose vaccine series within the last 14 days), should undertake antigen testing until they are fully vaccinated.
For questions and concerns, the following are Holi Health's staff contact number(s) and/or email address:
- Office Number: 416-780-2009 or 437-388-2009
- School President: [email protected]
- School Administrator: [email protected]
- Clinical Coordinator: [email protected]
COVID – 19 related policies/procedures/protocols are developed and include:
Educate staff, students, and visitors on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. A COVID-19 Pre-Screening must be completed by all individuals prior to entering the school.
For questions and concerns, the following are Holi Health's staff contact number(s) and/or email address:
COVID – 19 related policies/procedures/protocols are developed and include:
- Health Screening for staff, teacher, students, and visitors
- Daily attendance records
- Visitors limitations (e.g. protocols for school access by regulated professionals, social service professional, and paraprofessionals)
- Cohorting and staffing
- Physical distancing
- Shared items and Programming
- Eating and Drinking
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfection
- Mask/Face Covering for Staff, Teacher, Students, and Visitor and Use of Additional PPE
- Maintain heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Prevention, Reporting of Illness/Outbreak
- A copy of the COVID – 19 related policies and procedures and COVID – 19 Responses Plan is accessible to all staff and emergency contact.
- Staff are aware that if any person at the school is exhibiting symptoms of COVID – 19 Response Plan shall be implemented immediately.
- Schools are required to follow all existing worker health and safety requirements, as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and its regulations.
- Encourage the use of video and telephone call with the students in place of in-person meetings.
- Signs are posted at entrances to the school to remind students, staff, and essentials visitors about COVID – 19 protocols (e.g., screening information, hand hygiene, physical distancing, mandatory mask wearing).
Educate staff, students, and visitors on the signs and symptoms of COVID-19. A COVID-19 Pre-Screening must be completed by all individuals prior to entering the school.
- See attached screening tools.
- All staff, students and visitors must have their forehead scanned by designated temperature scanner at the reception area.
- Only those staff, students, and visitors whose scanned temperature under 27.8 degrees Celsius will be allowed to proceed into the school
- Any staff, students, and visitors who refuses to undergo the temperature scanning as set out above will not be allowed to enter the school.
- Only fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed into the school. See vaccinated policy and exemption above.
- Symptomatic individuals or anyone who has come into close contact with suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days should be tested for COVID-19.
- Hand hygiene stations with alcohol-based rub (70% alcohol) are available at school entrance along with COVID-19 information/signage (e.g., screening information, hand hygiene, physical distancing).
- Hand washing factsheet
- Hand washing poster
- Hand sanitizing poster
- Each record should include:
- Name
- Contact information
- Time of arrival and departure
- Screening completion
- Classes are delivered virtually except the laboratory part.
- Students should be scheduled in staggered to maintain the physical distancing.
- Students come with their pair classmate only on their scheduled time.
- Maintain a limit of 10 students in a typical classroom at one time.
- Students remain in contact with only their classmates and a single teacher for as much of the school day as possible (cohort group does not mix with other cohort groups)
- All members of cohort (students/teacher/staff) practice physical distancing (including between members of the cohort) and infection prevention and control practices as much as possible.
- Cohorts remain in the same classroom/space as much as possible.
- Ensure a plan to prevent mixing of cohorts in washrooms.
- Records of attendance should be kept, and which staff/teacher is assigned to each cohort.
- Physical distancing is promoted to all students, teacher, and staff.
- Staff practice physical distancing from other staff, teacher, and students.
- Physical distancing strategies are incorporated in the school:
- Remove some furniture
- Re-arrange chairs, tables, desk in all rooms and receiving area to maintain the 2 meters apart
- Staff should have their own room and avoid sharing of equipment, desk, phones, tools, etc.
- Use markings on the floors and walls to promote physical distancing, including lines/queues (e.g., tape on floors, signs on walls)
- Stagger periods of student and discourage student congregating in hallways
- Plexiglas is use as barrier for the reception area.
- Limit personal belongings being brought into school. Instruct student to put their belongings in one area and avoid touching other belongings.
- Students/teacher must not share personal items. (e.g., foods, water bottles, linens, etc.)
- To avoid sharing of linens for the demonstration, students are encouraged to bring their own linens
- Limit sharing of supplies, equipment, and materials among students. Items should be cleaned and disinfected prior to use by another students.
- Students/teacher must practice proper hand hygiene before and after use of equipment.
- Physical distancing is maintained as much as possible.
- All staff, teacher, and students perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating.
- No sharing of foods
- Stagger student/staff to use washroom.
- Encourage proper and frequent hand washing/hand sanitizing by staff, teacher, and students:
- Soap and waster for at least 20 seconds or hand sanitizer.
- When or once entering school and leaving the school
- From time to time
- Before/after eating food
- After using washroom
- Before/after performance demonstration
- Hand sanitizer are available in all rooms and at school entrance. All staff, teacher, students, and visitors conduct proper hand sanitizing upon entering the school.
- Teachers, staff, students, and visitors should practice proper respiratory etiquette. Use education posters to the areas that can be seen.
- Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing, coughing or blow your nose with a tissue. If you don’t have tissue, cough or sneeze on your sleeves or elbow, not into your hands
- Dispose used tissues into the garbage bin immediately and perform proper handwashing.
- Cover Your Cough Poster – TPH
- Daily Cleaning – staff should clean/disinfect their room before and after working.
- Highly touch point should be clean thoroughly like doorknobs, light switches, faucets, counter tops/spaces, table, chairs, and other frequently touched surface.
- Equipment should be clean/sanitize before and after using (e.g., laboratory equipment and office equipment like computer, phone, etc.)
- Train staff on enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures. Use only cleaners and disinfectants with a minimum of 70% alcohol-based products and available/accessible anytime to all staff.
- Common washroom should be clean frequently.
- Documentation of these cleanings will be maintained by the designated Holi Health Staff and the teachers during return demonstration
- All staff, teachers, students, and visitors are required to wear mask or face covering while inside the premises and maintain physical distancing.
- How to wear mask: Resources: Toronto Public Health
- Clean hands before putting on mask
- Fits over nose, mouth, and chin
- Fits snugly, without gaps
- Do not hang mask on your neck or ear
- Change when wet or dirty
- Take off by ear loops, then clean hands
- Additional PPE required during Laboratory (in-class)
- Students should wear full PPE during laboratory/return demonstration, this are the gown, mask, face shield and glove.
- Dispose the used gown and gloves immediately into the bin and perform proper handwashing/hand sanitizing.
- Resources:
- Putting on and Taking off PPE Poster
- Implement practices to support adequate air circulation in classrooms and staff rooms:
- Ensure clean filters
- Avoid recirculating air – minimize or do not use electric fan
- Use outdoor ventilation if possible, by opening windows.
- If a staff, teacher, or students is ill, they will be encouraged to stay home and to get tested and to inform Holi Health Administration of the results
- Anybody enters the premises should complete the screening procedure (3.0)
- Throughout the day or during the laboratory of the students, staff or teacher should monitor their health if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms.
- If the person becomes sick while inside premises:
- The person will be isolated in separate room or at least more than 6 feet is room is not available.
- Staff should stay with the person with proper PPE and Physical Distancing until he/she leaves the premises.
- If she/he can manage to go home, send her/him home and advise to get a COVID-19 test and encouraged to consult local health provider or Toronto Public Health.
- If she/he can’t manage to go home alone, contact her/his relative of any emergency contact person provided.
- After the person left, clean and disinfect the isolated space immediately.
- Once results are received:
- In the event that the test comes back negative, employee can return to work after 24 hours symptom-free.
- If one employee report that he/she has tested positive due to an exposure at the workplace, report it to the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development and Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Contact Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600 for further guidance or questions.
- Return to work protocol for staff and teacher:
- A negative COVID Test result is required prior to return to work or isolation release letter from Toronto Public Health if tested positive.
- COVID-19 Pre-Screening Tool
- Education Poster
- Staff Training Records
- Contact Tracing Logbook/Attendance Logbook
- Cleaning Logbook
- Covid-19 education session material
For questions and concerns, the following are Holi Health's staff contact number(s) and/or email address:
- Office Number: 416-780-2009 or 437-388-2009
- School President: [email protected]
- School Administrator: [email protected]
- Clinical Coordinator: [email protected]
Holi Health is committed to delivering high quality education to our students and is currently offering flexible academic instruction through virtual learning using different online platforms. However, module tests, return demonstrations, and laboratories remain in-person and on campus with students, instructors, and staff observing proper Covid-19 Safety Protocols.
This learning flexibility will continue in full alignment and in accordance with public health advise, National Association of Career Colleges (NACC), Ministry of Colleges and Universities and other government directives.
In cases of temporary closures, students can continue their learning online. This online learning will continue in the event of any positive case(s) of COVID-19, or if students are unable to come to campus due to any COVID-19 related reasons. If the closure affects tests, return demonstrations, and laboratory times, Holi Health will do our best to reschedule them at the earliest available opportunity with safety and health being considered.
Holi Health currently makes use of various online platforms that will support and allow for a rapid transition to remote delivery of education, should it be required. These platforms include, but are not limited to:
Holi Health is committed to delivering high quality education to our students and is currently offering flexible academic instruction through virtual learning using different online platforms. However, module tests, return demonstrations, and laboratories remain in-person and on campus with students, instructors, and staff observing proper Covid-19 Safety Protocols.
This learning flexibility will continue in full alignment and in accordance with public health advise, National Association of Career Colleges (NACC), Ministry of Colleges and Universities and other government directives.
In cases of temporary closures, students can continue their learning online. This online learning will continue in the event of any positive case(s) of COVID-19, or if students are unable to come to campus due to any COVID-19 related reasons. If the closure affects tests, return demonstrations, and laboratory times, Holi Health will do our best to reschedule them at the earliest available opportunity with safety and health being considered.
Holi Health currently makes use of various online platforms that will support and allow for a rapid transition to remote delivery of education, should it be required. These platforms include, but are not limited to:
- Zoom
- Microsoft Teams
- Google Meet and Classroom